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95 résultats trouvés au total

Can I deposit my old publications in SERVAL?

6. Q&A Open Access

In principle, yes, but you must first check which rights you've transfered to your editor. Use this checklist to know where to find this information and to know if and how the deposit is possible.    

What is Gold Open Access?

6. Q&A Gold Open Access

The Gold Road refers to the immediate Open Access publication. This is possible either through purely Open Access journals, or by agreement with the publisher for books. The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ ) is a community-curated online di...

There are no good Open Access journals in my domain. How could I possibly comply with Open Access mandates?

6. Q&A Gold Open Access

If you have checked the Directory of Open Access Journals, DOAJ and haven't found any relevant journal for the results you would like to publish, you can follow the Green Road to OA. The Green Road refers to the parallel publication of a version of the manusc...

Do all Open Access journals charge Article Processing Charges (APC)?

6. Q&A Gold Open Access

No. Many OA journals do not charge Article Processing Charges (APC). In fact, 74% of the journals listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals, DOAJ , do not charge APCs. Publishing is not free. Gold OA journals that don't charge APCs rely on funding from...

What is Green Open Access?

6. Q&A Green Open Access

The Green Road refers to the parallel publication of a version of the manuscript in an open repository, or self-archiving. Open repositories can be institutional, as our own SERVAL, or disciplinary. The publication is often delayed (embargo period) and allowe...

How can I follow the Green Road at UNIL?

6. Q&A Green Open Access

In order to follow the Green Road at UNIL you can use our institutional repository, SERVAL.    

Does self-archiving (Green Open Access) violate copyright?

6. Q&A Green Open Access

Not as long as you make sure you are depositing and opening the correct version of your manuscript after the embargo period specified by your publisher. The best way to know which version your publisher allows to deposit and the embargo they require, you can ...

What is an embargo period?

6. Q&A Green Open Access

An embargo is a period during which access to academic articles is not allowed to users who have not paid for access (or have access through their institution). The purpose of this is to ensure publishers have revenue to support their activities. Therefore, i...

What is a pre-print?

6. Q&A Green Open Access

Pre-print (or Author Submitted Manuscript, ASM): A pre-print is the original version of the manuscript as it is submitted to a journal. It typically is a double spaced .doc file with minimal formatting. It is useful to think of this version as pre-peer review....

What is a post-print?

6. Q&A Green Open Access

Pre-print (or Author Submitted Manuscript, ASM): A pre-print is the original version of the manuscript as it is submitted to a journal. It typically is a double spaced .doc file with minimal formatting. It is useful to think of this version as pre-peer review....

What is SERVAL?

6. Q&A Green Open Access

SERVAL (SERveur Académique Lausannois) is our institutional repository. Using SERVAL has many benefits. SERVAL is a great tool for securely storing your scientific publications and a platform to render them open by following the Green Road. Depositing in SERV...

Is there a central fund at UNIL for Open Access publishing?

6. Q&A Open Access funding

Articles No. There isn't any central fund to cover Open Access publishing costs for articles at UNIL at this time. We have, however, an agreement with SpringerOne and Biomed Central which grants UNIL researchers a 15% discount on APCs. Publication fees in C...

I am funded by the SNSF. What are my options with respect to publishing in Open Access?

6. Q&A Open Access funding

The SNSF has decided to implement Open Access for all publications emanating from SNSF-funded research already as of 2020. To facilitate this policy, the SNSF has defined a range of measures and issued new regulations, which entered into force on 1 April 2018...

I am funded by H2020. What are my options with respect to Open Access publishing?

6. Q&A Open Access funding

Articles Under Horizon 2020, the legal basis for open access is laid down in the Framework Programme and its Rules for Participation. You can find the Guidelines to the Rules on Open Access to Scientific Publications and Open Access to Research Data in Horizo...

I am not funded by the SNSF or H2020. What are my options with respect to publishing in Open Access?

6. Q&A Open Access funding

Articles There isn't any central fund to cover Open Access publishing costs for articles at UNIL at this time. We have, however, an agreement with SpringerOne  and Biomed Central  which grants UNIL researchers a 15% discount on APCs. Publication fees in Cog...

Est-ce que publier dans une revue Open Access est la seule manière de faire de l'Open Access?

6. FAQ Open Access

Non. La publication dans une revue Open Access (pay-to-publish ou free-to-publish) constitue la voie dorée vers Open Access (Gold OA). Les ouvrages publiés par la voie dorée sont immédiatement accessibles et sont généralement protégées par une licence ouverte...

Une revue Open Access m'a invité à publier. Comment savoir si c'est une revue sérieuse?

6. FAQ Open Access

Avec le développement vertigineux de l’OA, des revues OA « parasites » ou « prédatrices » exploitent à leur profit le modèle « auteur-payeur ». Les auteurs, généralement sollicités par mail, sont invités à soumettre des articles, qui sont systématiquement acce...

Est-ce que je peux publier une monographie en Open Access?

6. FAQ Open Access

Oui. Bien que l’OA des publications soit bien développé, l’OA des monographies est un domaine naissant, et les pratiques sont beaucoup moins standardisées. Cependant, de plus en plus d’éditeurs permettent la publication en OA de la version numérique du l...

Est-ce que les directives Open Access heurtent ma liberté académique ?

6. FAQ Open Access

L'Encyclopaedia Britannica définit la liberté académique comme « la liberté des enseignants et des étudiants d'enseigner, d'étudier et de poursuivre leurs connaissances et leurs recherches sans ingérence déraisonnable ou restriction de la part de la loi, des r...

Puis-je déposer mes anciennes publications dans SERVAL?

6. FAQ Open Access

En principe, oui, mais vous devez vous informer concernant les droits que vous avez cédés à votre éditeur. Cet aide-mémoire vous aidera à trouver ces informations et à faire le dépôt.