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Gold road


The Gold Road (immediate Open Access publication with a processing fee) is open to articles, chapters and books.

As a general rule, always use your third-party funds to cover the Gold OA fee (most funders cover it!).

If you do not have external funding sources and check our Gold OA Fund.

Book chapters

To find a source of funding for your Gold OA book chapter please follow the steps below:

  1. The SNSF covers the costs   of Gold OA publishing for book chapters that result from an SNSF-funded research project.
  2. If your book is not eligible for the SNSF Gold OA funding, check if you are eligible for our UNIL Gold OA Fund


To find a source of funding for your Gold OA book please follow the steps below:

  1. The SNSF covers the costs of Gold OA publishing for monographs, dissertations and habilitations as well as for collective works, whether or not they are the result of SNSF-funded research.
  2. If your book is not eligible for the SNSF Gold OA funding, check if you are eligible for our UNIL Gold OA Fund


To find a source of funding for your Gold OA publication please follow the steps below:

  1. Check if your article is eligible to be covered by one of our institutional licences. You can check this with our Journal Finder, with Papago, or by looking at our licence details below.
  2. If your article is not eligible, ask your external funder to cover the costs. Most funders cover the costs associated with the Gold OA.
  3. If you do not have an external funding source, check if you are eligible for our UNIL Gold OA Fund.
  4. If your paper is not eligible, then consider submitting your paper to another journal.

List of institutional licences for Gold OA and their conditions:


  • The corresponding author of the submitted article must be a member of UNIL/CHUV.
  • The details of the affiliation in the article must clearly indicate the affiliation of the author with UNIL/CHUV. Please follow the indications in Directive 4.3 regarding author affiliation.
  • Ideally, the author will use his/her ORCID.
  • Whenever possible, use your @unil or @chuv e-mail address to make the submission.