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I am funded by the SNSF. What are my options with respect to publishing in Open Access?

The SNSF has decided to implement Open Access for all publications emanating from SNSF-funded research already as of 2020.

To facilitate this policy, the SNSF has defined a range of measures and issued new regulations, which entered into force on 1 April 2018. These measures focus on the funding of Gold Open Access publication costs (for articles, books and chapters) independently from projects budgets through the introduction of a new Open Access Platform.

Nonetheless, Green Open Access is also compliant with the SNSF's Open Access mandate as long as the embargo period is no longer than 6 monts for articles, and 12 months for books and book chapters.

The SNSF DOES NOT fund hybrid Open Access, although authors are free to use that way.

The regulations on the funding of Open Access publications can be found here  (FR). A shorter fact-sheet by the SNSF will be available soon. In the meantime, UNIL provides its researchers with the summary table below:
