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Résultats de recherche

95 résultats trouvés au total

Accords OA

4. Accords institutionnels Open Access

Liste complète d'accords avec composante OA Chercheur·es financé·es par le FNS: Tous les frais Gold OA (livres, chapitres de livres et articles) des chercheur·es de l'UNIL financé·es par le FNS sont couverts par le FNS. Pour certaines revues hybrides, des acc...

Ressources, soutien & conseil

5. Ressources, soutien & conseil

L'UNIL met à votre disposition une série de ressources pour vous permettre de vous retrouver dans cette longue liste de voies! N'hésitez pas à les consulter mais n'oubliez pas que vos spécialistes facultaires sont là pour vous soutenir et conseiller. Con...

Directive Open Access UNIL

2. Mandats Open Access

La directive  Texte complet | Vous trouverez le texte intégral de la Directive 4.6 ici. Cadre L’UNIL a pour mission, entre autres, de transmettre les connaissances et développer la science par l'enseignement et la recherche, ainsi que de favoriser le dé...

What is Open Access?

1. Introduction

The idea Open Access, as defined by the Budapest Open Access Initiative , is the free of charge, immediate, online availability of scientific publications with full re-use rights. What makes it possible is the internet and the consent of the copyright holder....

How to publish in Open Access

1. Introduction

The ways towards Open Access There are many ways of opening scientific publications: the Platinum Road and Gold Road, the Green Road and the Hybrid Road. These roads are not mutually exclusive and accepted by most institutional and funder's Open Access polici...

Platinum road

3. 360 Support

Shared Open Access Publishing Platform SOAP2 (Shared Open Access Publishing Platform) is a joint project of the University of Fribourg (leading house), the University of Lausanne, the Central and University Library of Lucerne (together with the University o...

Gold road

3. 360 Support

The Gold Road (immediate Open Access publication with a processing fee) is open to articles, chapters and books. As a general rule, always use your third-party funds to cover the Gold OA fee (most funders cover it!). If you do not have external funding sou...

Green road

3. 360 Support

The Green Road refers to Open Access publishing by depositing a version of the manuscript in Serval and opening it after an embargo period. In order to enable them to fulfil their OA mandates, UNIL offers their researchers its institutional repository, Serval...

Hybrid road

3. 360 Support

The Hybrid Road refers to the immediate OA publishing of an article in a subscription journal. These are journals in which some of the articles are available in OA and the others behind a paywall. UNIL supports this option exclusively within the framework of ...

UNIL's Open Access Directive (SERVAL)

2. External Open Access policies

The Directive Full text The full text of Directive 4.6 (FR) can be found here. Context UNIL's mission is, among others, to transmit knowledge and develop science through teaching and research, as well as to foster the development of intellectual life a...

Swiss National Open Access Strategy

2. External Open Access policies Open Access policies in Switzerland

In December 2015, the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) commissioned swissuniversities to elaborate, with the support of the Swiss National Science Foundation, a national strategy for Open Access to publications. The Swiss Nation...

Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)

2. External Open Access policies Open Access policies in Switzerland

The National Open Access Strategy approved in spring 2017 and the Action Plan of February 2018 represent important steps in establishing Open Access in Switzerland. They aim to ensure that all publications financed with public money are openly accessible by 20...

Horizon Europe

2. External Open Access policies Open Access policies in Europe

Open science is an approach based on open cooperative work and systematic sharing of knowledge and tools as early and widely as possible in the process. It has the potential to increase the quality and efficiency of research and accelerate the advancement of k...


2. External Open Access policies Open Access policies in Europe

Modern research builds on extensive scientific dialogue and advances by improving earlier work. The Europe 2020 strategy for a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy underlines the central role of knowledge and innovation in generating growth. Broader access...

Resources, support and advice

5. Resources, support and advice

Our Support 360 homepage directs you to the right road. Then choose the page relating to the right road in the left-hand navigation menu and discover the means made available by UNIL to help you follow it. Personalised support Are yo...

What is Open Access?

6. Q&A Open Access

Open Access, as defined by the Budapest Open Access Initiative , is the free of charge, immediate, online availability of scientific publications with full re-use rights. What makes it possible is the internet and the consent of the copyright holder. Open Acc...

Is publishing in an Open Access journal the only way to do Open Access?

6. Q&A Open Access

No. Publishing in a (pay-to-publish or free-to-publish) Open Access journal constitutes the Gold Road towards Open Access. Open Access works published via the Gold Road are immediately openly accessible and are usually protected by an open licence, such as Cr...

An Open Access journal has invited me to publish in their journal. How do I know it's a trustworthy publisher?

6. Q&A Open Access

With the development of OA, parasitic or « predatory » OA journals have started to exploit the « author pays » model. The authors, generally solicited by email, are invited to submit articles, which are systematically accepted after publication fees are payed ...

Can I publish my monograph in Open Access?

6. Q&A Open Access

Yes. Though article OA is well developed, monograph OA is still in its infancy and practices are much less standardised than for journals. Nevertheless, more and more publishers allow for the OA publication of digital versions of books from the moment of publ...

Do Open Access mandates limit academic freedom?

6. Q&A Open Access

The Encyclopaedia Britannica defines academic freedom as "the freedom of teachers and students to teach, study, and pursue knowledge and research without unreasonable interference or restriction from law, institutional regulations, or public pressure. Its basi...