Using Conda and Anaconda
Conda is a package manager system for Python and other tools and is widely used in some areas such as bioinformatics and data science. On personal computers it is a useful way to install a stack of tools.
The full documentation can be found at
Warning: Conda, whilst convenient, is not designed to be installed on multi-user compute clusters and we are unable to guarantee that tools installed via it will work correctly. This is especially true for any parallel (MPI) tools.
Setting up Conda
First load the appropriate modules
$ module load miniforge3
For getting the conda
command to work with your bash
shell, you need to type
eval "$(command conda 'shell.bash' 'hook' 2> /dev/null)"
You can automatize this to happen every time you log in, by simply typing the very first time you use it:
$ conda init bash
This command will hang on a sudo password input, just ignore it (ctrl-c)
You will now probably need to log out and back in again to "activate" the changes.
Once you log in again conda should be available.
However this is not recommended, especially if you are using different kind of environments (eg. Conda and Mamba). A convenient option is to define and alias inside your ~/.bashrc
by adding at the end the following line:
alias goconda="eval \"\$(command conda 'shell.bash' 'hook' 2> /dev/null)\""
Then each time you need Conda, after loading the module, you just type
Please ignore any messages about updating to a newer version of conda!
Configuring Conda
By default Conda will put everything including downloads in your home directory. Due to the limited space available this is probable not what you want.
We strongly recommend that you create a .condarc
file in your home directory with the following options:
- /work/path/to/my/project/space
where the path is the path to your project space on /work - we do not recommend installing things in /scratch as they might be automatically deleted.
You may also wish to add a non standard env_dirs
- ~/myproject-envs
Please see the full condarc
documentation for all the possible configuration options
Using Conda virtual environments
The basic commands for creating conda environments are:
$ conda create --name $MY_CONDA_ENV_NAME
$ conda activate $MY_CONDA_ENV_NAME
$ conda deactivate
Environment in specific location
If you need to create an environment in a non standard location:
$ conda create --prefix $MY_CONDA_ENV_PATH
$ conda activate $MY_CONDA_ENV_PATH
$ conda deactivate
Installing packages
The base commands are:
$ conda search $PACKAGE_NAME
$ conda install $PACKAGE_NAME
Running Slurm jobs with conda
Since Conda needs some initialization before being used, a Sbatch script must explicitly ask to run bash in login mode. This can be performed by adding --login
option to the shebang. Here is an example of Sbatch script using Conda:
#!/bin/bash --login
#SBATCH --time 00-00:05:00
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task 1
#SBATCH --mem 4G
module load miniforge3
conda activate $MY_CONDA_ENV_PATH