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Data management

This page presents the way to move data between your laptop (or a virtual machine/lab server) and the NAS.

Accessing DCSR NAS from home or UNIL network


Note: If you work from home, you first need to connect to UNIL's VPN using Pulse Secure (see VPN instructions).

From Windows

Step 1: right click on Network in File explorer and choose "Map network drive…"


Step 2: enter the address of the Samba server and click to finish


Step 3: enter your Unil credentials and clikc "OK"

  • username: ad\unil_username   (for example ad\ulambda)
  • password


Step 4: click on "This PC" and then on the new network drive



From Linux

It is possible to use a GUI but there are as much solutions as desktop managers. So here is a way to mount the NAS using command line interface. Don't forget to adapt the username= field in the sudo mount command!

# First install the packages
# Debian/Ubuntu version
$ sudo apt install samba cifs-utils
# Fedora/RedHat version
$ sudo dnf install cifs-utils

# In the following, ~/nas is chosen as a mountpoint, but it could be elsewhere
$ mkdir ~/nasdcsr
$ sudo mount -t cifs -o username=unil_username,mfsymlinks,domain=ad,rw,iocharset=utf8,dir_mode=0700,file_mode=0700,uid=$(id -u) // ~/nasdcsr

# Perform the reauired operations
$ cd ~/nasdcsr

# When finished, don't forget to umount it
$ sudo umount ~/nasdcsr


From MacOS

Step 1: open the Finder, in Go menu, select "Connect to Server"


Step 2: enter the NAS url (smb://, you also may add this server as a favourite by clicking on + symbol


Step 3: enter your credentials


Step 4: navigate through the directories to find your working directory and push/fetch files as you see fit


Accessing DCSR NAS from CHUV network

Windows and Mac users can install the graphical desktop client from DataExpedition as well if they wish so:

Download Expedat from here, installation instruction from here, and product documentation from there.

Here is an example of ExpeDat session:


On that screenshot you can see:

  1. The server of the NAS
  2. The user information (login and password)
  3. The explorer for the files located on your laptop
  4. The explorer for the files located on the NAS (note that the remote path must be set according to your personal working space)
  5. The get button to fetch files from the NAS to your laptop
  6. The push button to push files from your laptop to the NAS