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Résultats de recherche

202 résultats trouvés au total

6. Q&A

4. OA Deals

Principes d'utilisation IA dans la recherche

Résumé des principes de base d'utilisation des outils IA dans la recherche qui se trouvent dans la FAQ : adoptés également par d'autres universités en accord avec les lignes directrices sur l'u...

Calendriers partagés

Bienvenue sur notre wiki dédié à l'utilisation du calendrier partagé Outlook au sein du SR ! Découvrez des astuces, des conseils et des meilleures pratiques pour optimiser la planification, la coordination et la productivité de notre équipe grâce à Outlook Ca...

User guide (coming soon)

Aide utilisateur·e (prochainement)


Flux de communication

Organisation de formations


Instruments FNS


Flux de communication

Afin de répondre au besoin de mutualisation de la communication et de clarification des processus, le groupe de travail sur les flux de communication de la recherche a travaillé à plusieurs propositions répondants aux différents besoins identifiés.


Instruments FNS


Instruments FNS


Instruments FNS


Instruments FNS

E-mail d'information "nouvelle notice créée dans SERVAL"

4. Fonctionnalités avancées

Que faire après avoir reçu l'e-mail "nouvelle notice créée dans SERVAL" | Contrôler, éditer et publier une notice liée au compte

Se lier à une publication dans SERVAL

4. Fonctionnalités avancées

Comment lier une publication dans SERVAL à son compte  Suivez ce tutoriel pour vous lier à une publication sur SERVAL qui vous appartient, mais où votre identifiant n'apparaît pas dans la colonne "Liens".

Ajouter un texte integral à une notice

2. Saisie et édition

Tutoriel vidéo | Ajouter un texte intégral à une notice existante Tutoriel écrit  Quand vous êtes connectée dans SERVAL et que vous voyez la notice en question, appuyez sur le bouton « Détails » (en rouge ci-dessous) Une fois les détails déployés, appuy...

Main Page | Public Interface

Introduction | Interface & Navigation

Main Page Navigation Guide | Public Interface   Language Selection Authenticate to enter notices and access content reserved for the UNIL community. Proposed search criteria, such as publications with documents. Search field. The magnifying glass bu...

Main Page | Intranet

Introduction | Interface & Navigation

Main Page Navigation Guide | Intranet Language Selection Proposed search criteria, for example, publications with documents. Search field. The magnifying glass button launches the search. The right button (circular arrow) resets the fields. Generate ...

Changer le type d'une publication

2. Saisie et édition Édition d'une notice | Saisie avancée

Comment changer le type d'une notice ? | Saisie avancée Accédez à l’édition (saisie avancée) de la notice en question en appuyant sur le chevron bleu (1) dans la colonne « Détails/Editer », puis appuyez sur « Modifier le type » (2). Choisissez le type ...

Create new record via an identifier (DOI/PMID)

Inputs & Editing

  Form The creation of a new record is done in three steps on the same screen: Retrieving data from the identifier Linking people and units Adding of the full text of the publication (PDF)   1. Enter the institution and the identifier Please enter ...

Create a new record manually

Inputs & Editing

These badges indicate the fields that should be completed for your publication to be properly indexed by Google Scholar and Google. The creation of a new record is done in three steps on the same screen: Entering bibliographic information abo...

Deleting a publication

Inputs & Editing

  Go to the editing (advanced entry) of the record in question by pressing the blue chevron (1) in the “Details/Edit” column, then press “Change Type” (2). Only publications in the “Draft” state can be deleted.  

Adding of a full text and/or secondary documents

Inputs & Editing Editing a record (advanced entry)

Go to the editing (advanced entry) interface of the record in question by pressing the blue chevron (1) in the “Details/Edit” column, then press “Edit” (2). You are directed to the advanced entry (editing) interface with all its sections deployed: ...

Publishing of a draft record

Inputs & Editing Editing a record (advanced entry)

    Access the editing (advanced entry) interface of the record in question by pressing the blue chevron (1) in the “Details/Edit” column, then press “Edit” (2).   Once in the advanced entry screen, press “Publish”.   Your record is now in public: ...

Adding and/or correcting metadata

Inputs & Editing Editing a record (advanced entry)

    Go to the editing (advanced entry) interface of the record in question by pressing the blue chevron (1) in the “Details/Edit” column, then press “Edit” (2).   You are directed to the advanced entry (editing) interface with all its sections deployed...

Adding and/or correcting links (to persons, units and/or groups)

Inputs & Editing Editing a record (advanced entry)

    Go to the editing (advanced entry) interface of the record in question by pressing the blue chevron (1) in the “Details/Edit” column, then press “Edit” (2).   You are directed to the advanced entry (editing) interface with all its sections deployed...

Changing the type of a record

Inputs & Editing Editing a record (advanced entry)

Go to the editing (advanced entry) of the record in question by pressing the blue chevron (1) in the “Details/Edit” column, then press “Change Type” (2). Choose the type of publication (1) in which you want to convert this publication. The “Before” (2...

How to edit and/or publish an entry in SERVAL

Inputs & Editing

The advanced entry (edit) of a record allows in particular: the publication of a notice in draft form; the addition and/or correction of associated metadata; the addition of a full text and/or secondary documents; the addition and/or correction o...

Linking your ORCID account with Unisciences

Import/Export from Serval

Create your ORCID profile (if you don’t yet have one) on and log into Unisciences. Watch the video above to find out why it is a good idea to create your ORCID profile and link it to Unisciences.   Press the “create or link your ORC...

Importing records

Import/Export from Serval

  Using Endnote & BibTex  Using ORCID Click on the “Import” button on the main Serval screen. You will then be prompted to choose the format of the data source to be imported (2), to browse your computer and find the file in the correct format ...

Exporting records

Import/Export from Serval

To learn how to link your ORCID account to Unisciences, a tutorial is avaliable here.  To export some of the results obtained during your last search, select the publications to be exported by using the “select all” button (1) or by checking each public...

My DOCX report (or SNSF report)

Advanced features

  Aim The “My DOCX Report” functionality allows individuals attached to a research unit to create a DOCX document with its list of publications in the format formerly required by the SNSF before the new narrative CV came into force. Structure The str...

Link yourself with an already existing entry

Advanced features

How to link a publication in SERVAL to your account Follow this tutorial to link yourself to a publication in SERVAL that belongs to you but where your identifier does not appear in the "Links" column.