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Deep Learning


Log into a GPU node:

Sinteractive -p interactive -m 4G -G 1

Check that the GPU is visible:


Load parallel modules and python:

module purge
module load gcc cuda cudnn python/3.8.8

Create a virtual environment. Here we will call it "venv_keras", but you may choose another name:

virtualenv -p python venv_keras

Activate the virtual environment:

source venv_keras/bin/activate

Install TensorFlow and Keras:

pip install tensorflow
pip install keras

Check that Keras was properly installed:

python -c 'import keras; print(keras.__version__)'

There might be a warning message and the output should be something like "2.5.0".

You may install extra packages that you deep learning code will use. For example:

pip install sklearn
pip install pandas
pip install matplotlib

Deactivate your virtual environment and logout from the GPU node:



