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Intel Advisor


This tutorial will guide you how to run advisor in AMD processors, we explore also the type of code we can profile.

Project setup

First of all we are going to prepare an executable to run the test, we can copy the nqueens example from advisor installation directory:

cp /dcsrsoft/spack/external/intel/2021.2/advisor/2021.2.0/samples/en/C++/nqueens_Advisor.tgz .

we extract the contents and then we compile the serial version:

make 1_nqueens_serial

Then we create a project using advisor gui:


We configure the path of our nqueens executable (or the executable you want to profile), and we click on OK.


Several analysis are proposed:


We start with Vectorization and Code insights which will give us information about the parallelization opportunities in the code. It Will identify loops that will benefit most from vector parallelism, discover performance issues, etc, the summary window will give us more details.


For using Advisor in the cluster, it is better to use the command line. The GUI can provide the commands to run. Let’s run the survey, to see the command to run, click on the following button



This will show the exact command to use:


We can copy that line in our slurm job:

#SBATCH --job-name test-prof                                                                                                                                                                                                          
#SBATCH --error advisor-%j.error                                                                                                                                                                                                      
#SBATCH --output advisor-%j.out                                                                                                                                                                                                       
#SBATCH -N 1                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task 1                                                                                                                                                                                                             
#SBATCH --partition cpu                                                                                                                                                                                                               
#SBATCH --time 1:00:00

dcsrsoft/spack/external/intel/2021.2/advisor/2021.2.0/bin64/advisor -collect survey -project-dir /users/cruiz1/profilers/intel/advisor/nqueens_study --app-working-dir=/users/cruiz1/profilers/intel/advisor/nqueens_Advisor -- /use\

we launch the job:


check for errors in Slurm output files.

Checking results

If we close and reopen the project, we see that we have some results.


We have recommendations for using other instruction sets because no vector instruction set was detected.



We see the most time consuming loops:


It detects correctly the CPU


In the survey window we have more details about the call stack:

image-1649337547455.png On the window above we should see recommendation about the vector instructions to use. This is missing probably due to the fact that we are using an AMD processors. If we explore the windows at the bottom we see more information, as source code, top down, code analysis, etc. We see that we should collect first the trip count information.


So we go to characterization, to improve analysis we should choose a loop, this can be done on the survey window:

image-1649337589080.pngAnd then launch the characterizitation, again we ask for the cmd line :


The generated command will contain the options:

tripcounts -flop -stacks -mark-up-list-2

We can see the different trip counts for each loop:


We can now repeat the process for memory access analysis. After running the analysis, we have new information:

image-1649338844790.pngIf we compile the code with more performant instruction set, this is detected in the summary window:


MPI profiling

The command proposed by the GUI is not the appropriate, we should use the following command:

srun advisor --collect survey --trace-mpi -project-dir /users/cruiz1/profilers/intel/advisor/analysis_mpi_trace-2 --app-working-dir=/users/cruiz1/profilers/intel/advisor/mpi_sample -- /users/cruiz1/profilers/intel/advisor/mpi_sample/mpi_sample_serial

The default behavior generates a profile database per rank which is not ideal to understand the interactions between MPI ranks. We can use the option --mpi-trace but unfortunately this seems to not give more additional information as it only works if we use the same host.

Python application

We can profile python application, for example to profile a tensorflow code:

advisor -collect survey -project-dir /users/cruiz1/profilers/intel/advisor/tensor_flow_study -- python /users/cruiz1/python/

We have the following summary:


We have code using vector instructions. We can see the complete call tree.


 We can create a roofline model:


For the moment I’m not able to get the roofline model to work as it run it with the GUI interface.

compilingProfiling withother intelcodes


in this screenshot we can see the AVX instructions were detected in specific loops.