General information
How to access the DCSR NAS
If you don't have a DCSR NAS (Network Attached Storage) storage yet and you would like one, the PI (Principal Investigator) of your project needs to fill up a request application form on the following web interface:
Once the DCSR has accepted the request and the access has been granted to you by your PI, you will be able to access your DCSR NAS storage by one of the following method:
Access from a laptop
Access from the cluster
If you have access to the compute clusters of the DCSR, the data stored on the NAS is directly accessible under /nas. See:
In case you have asked for the "sensitive data" special option for your storage, please follow the specific instructions to access RECHERCHE-S on the following page:
How to manage sensitive data on UNIL NAS
General structure of the NAS
The general structure of the directories on the DCSR NAS (Network Attached Storage) is:<your_faculty>/<your_department>/<your_PI>/<your_project>
On mac
On Windows
In case you have asked for the "personal data" special option for your storage, please use RECHERCHE-P with:<your_faculty>/<your_department>/<your_PI>/<your_project>
On mac
On Windows
In case you have asked for the "sensitive data" special option for your storage, please follow the specific instructions to access RECHERCHE-S on the following page:
How to manage sensitive data on UNIL NAS
What are the /D1c, /D2c, and /LTS subdirectories?
In your project directory you will see at least a D2c and a LTS directory, with the following meanings/purposes:
D2c means "data 2 copies". This is where you can put your research data during the life time of your project. This NAS directory has an off-site backup (i.e the data is stored in two distinct locations). Snapshots are done on a daily basis for a rolling period of 3 months. Please note that in case you are using the HPC cluster and perform computations on this data, your are advised to copy this data to a fast storage (i.e. /scratch or /work) to speed up computations (see this page).
LTS means "Long Term Storage". This data will be kept for a very long time on the UNIL storage (a decade, on tapes). This is where you should put the part of your data that needs to be archived e.g. at the end of your project. When you reach this point, you will then be asked to make a description of your data ("meta-data"). See "Long-term storage of research data" section here:
Users who explicitly asked for it will also have a D1c directory:
D1c means "data 1 copy". This data has no backup (and may be lost). This is where you can put e.g. some reference data that you downloaded from an external source, and that can easily be recovered again from the same external source, in case the data get lost in /D1c.
Long term storage at DCSR and other data repositories
Here is an overview of the options you have for Long Term Storage / Long Term Preservation (LTS/LTP) of your data (warning: french only)