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669 résultats trouvés au total
Migrer de SWITCHdrive à OneDrive
SWITCHdrive ne sera plus disponible dès le 30 juin 2024. Cette documentation a pour but de vous accompagner pas-à-pas pour migrer vos données vers OneDrive. Si vous désirez plus d'informations sur les raisons de l'arrêt de ce service, vous pouvez consulter cet...
General information
How to access the DCSR NAS If you don't have a DCSR NAS (Network Attached Storage) storage yet and you would like one, the PI (Principal Investigator) of your project needs to fill up a request application form on the following web interface: https://request...
Attention: vous trouverez ci-dessous les futures fermetures auxquelles notre service ne sera pas ouvert :– 20 décembre, fermeture à 15h00 (aménagement)– du 23 décembre 2024 au 5 janvier 2025, La Repro sera fermée en raison des fêtes de fin d'année. Les dispon...
Prestations et services
Pour toutes les demandes ou commandes, nous encourageons la prise de contact par e-mail ou via nos formulaires, plutôt que par téléphone. En effet, notre personnel est souvent occupé avec des clients ou en production machine. Merci pour votre compréhension. ...
DCSR? Kesako?
The full name is the Division de Calcul et Soutien à la Recherche / Computing and Research Support unit The mission of the DCSR is to supply the University of Lausanne with compute and storage capabilities for all areas of research. As well as managing compu...
MATLAB on the clusters
The full version of MATLAB is only installed on the login and interactive nodes so in order to run MATLAB jobs on the cluster you first need to compile your .m files then run them using the MATLAB runtime. This is because the UNIL has a limited number of lice...
Kesako? Curnagl (Romanche), or Chocard à bec jaune in French, is a sociable bird known for its acrobatic exploits and is found throughout the alpine region. More information is available at
DCSR Courses
We are organising courses on a regular basis. Here are the topic addressed for the moment: Introductory courses: Introduction to Linux Introduction to reproductible research with version control Introduction to using the HPC clusters Running applications...
How do I ask for help?
Before asking for help please take the time to check that your question hasn't already been answered in our FAQ. To contact us please send an e-mail to the UNIL Helpdesk at starting the subject with DCSR From: To: ...
I'm a PI and would like to use the clusters - what do I do?
It's easy! Please fill in the request form at and we'll get back in touch with you as soon as possible.
How to access the clusters
The DCSR maintains a general purpose cluster (Curnagl) which is described here. Researchers needing to process sensitive data must use the air gapped cluster Urblauna which has replaced Jura. There are several requirements to be able to connect to the clus...
Compiling and running MPI codes
To illustrate the procedure we will compile and run a MPI hello world example from First we download the source code: $ wget
Pour accéder au NAS en dehors du campus, il est nécessaire de se connecter au VPN : LIEN macOS Pour se connecter au nouveau serveur : Sur la barre en haut de l'écran, cliquez sur Aller puis se connecter au serveur (cmd + K) Entrez l'adresse du serveur : P...
Using Conda and Anaconda
Conda is a package manager system for Python and other tools and is widely used in some areas such as bioinformatics and data science. On personal computers it is a useful way to install a stack of tools. The full documentation can be found at
Deep Learning with GPUs
The training phase of your deep learning model may be very time consuming. To accelerate this process you may want to use GPUs and you will need to install the deep learning packages, such as Keras or PyTorch, properly. Here is a short documentation on how to ...
Providing access to external collaborators
In order to allow non UNIL collaborators to use the HPC clusters there are three steps which are detailed below. Please note that the DCSR does not accredit external collaborators as this is a centralised process. The procedures for different user groups are...
Recovering deleted files?
This depends on where the file was and when it was created and deleted. /scratch There is no backup and no snapshots so the file is gone forever. /users If it was in your home directory /users/<username> then you can recover files from up to 7 days ago u...
Introduction to the virtual machine service
The DCSR has deployed a new facility to provide researchers with a virtual machine (VM) service. Two kind of virtual machines are available: virtual workstations: the idea is to offer a workstation reachable from anywhere (even outside UNIL) from a simple Web...
Old software stack
The old (Vital-IT) software stack can be accessed on Curnagl via the following commands $ source /dcsrsoft/bin/use_old_software ################################## # # # WARNING - USING OLD SOFTWARE # # ...
Connexion au VDI
English below La double authentification Switch edu-id est utilisé sur ce service ! Il est nécessaire de l'activer pour pouvoir utiliser le VDI. Plus d'information : Authentification multifacteur avec Switch edu-id Installation du logiciel VMware Horizon Cli...