DCSR Courses
We are organising courses on a regular basis. Here are the topic addressed for the moment:
Introductory courses:
- Introduction to Linux
- Introduction to reproductible research with version control
- Introduction to using the HPC clusters
- Running applications with R, Python and Containers
Research techniques:
- A Gentle Introduction to Deep Learning with Python and R
- A Gentle Introduction to Decision Trees and Random Forests with Python and R
- Parallel computing with R, Python and Julia
More courses to come soon!
You can find the dates and registration process there: https://courses.unil.ch/ci
The slides of the courses are available HERE.
Don't hesitate to suggest ideas for new courses related to the use of the clusters (for instance: parallel programming with OpenMP/MPI, application profiling, …) at this address: helpdesk@unil.ch