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Using the Clusters

How to run a job on Curnagl

Overview Suppose that you have finished writing your code, say a python code called <>...

What projects am I part of and what is my default account?

In order to find out what projects you are part of on the clusters then you can use the Sproject ...

Providing access to external collaborators

In order to allow non UNIL collaborators to use the HPC clusters there are three steps which are ...

Requesting and using GPUs

GPU Nodes Both Curnagl and Urblauna have nodes with GPUs - on Curnagl these are in a separate ...

How do I run a job for more that 3 days?

The simple answer is that you can't without special authorisation. Please do not submit such jobs...

Access NAS DCSR from the cluster

The NAS is available from the login node only under /nas. The folder hierarchy is: /nas/FAC/<you...

SSH connection to DCSR cluster

This page presents how to connect to DCSR cluster depending on your operating system. Linux SSH...

Checkpoint SLURM jobs

Introduction As you probably noticed, execution time for jobs in DCSR clusters is limited to 3 d...

Urblauna access and data transfer

Connecting to Urblauna The Urblauna cluster is intended for the processing of sensitive data and ...

Jura to Urblauna Migration

Migration schedule and deadlines Once the Urblauna cluster is officially in service the decomm...

Job Templates

Here you can find example job script templates for a variety of job types Single-threaded tasks ...

Urblauna Guacamole / RDP issues

Resolving connnection problems There can sometimes be communication issues between the web based ...

Urblauna migration

Urblauna Urblauna is the new UNIL cluster for sensitive data and will replace the Jura cluster. s...

Transfer files to/from Curnagl

How do I transfer my code to Curnagl? How do I get my results back on my computer?   There are ...

Transfert S3 DCSR to other support

Data in the S3 DCSR should be transfert to another file system as soon as possible. There is no b...

How to run LLM models

This tutorial shows, how to run LLM on UNIL clusters Simple test set up For this simple test, we ...