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Providing access to external collaborators

In order to allow non UNIL collaborators to use the HPC clusters there are three steps which are detailed below.

Please note that the DCSR does not accredit external collaborators as this is a centralised process.

The procedures for different user groups are explained at

  1. The external collaborator must first obtain an EduID via
  2. The external collaborator must ask for a UNIL account using this form. The external collaborator must give the name of the PI in the form (The PI is "sponsoring" the account)
  3. the PI to whom the external collaborator is connected must use this application to add the collaborator into the appropriate project. Log into the application if necessary on the top right, and click on the "Manage members list / Gérer la liste de membres" icon for your project. The usernames always have 8 characters (e.g. Greta Thunberg username would be: gthunber)
  4. the external collaborator needs to use the UNIL VPN:

The external collaborator on the VPN can then login to the HPC cluster as if he was inside the UNIL.