Recherche avancée
Résultats de recherche
24 résultats trouvés au total
Using Conda and Anaconda
Conda is a package manager system for Python and other tools and is widely used in some areas such as bioinformatics and data science. On personal computers it is a useful way to install a stack of tools. The full documentation can be found at
Introduction to the virtual machine service
The DCSR has deployed a new facility to provide researchers with a virtual machine (VM) service. Two kind of virtual machines are available: virtual workstations: the idea is to offer a workstation reachable from anywhere (even outside UNIL) from a simple Web...
Research - Introduction to Linux (commands and tools) for HPC
Objectives of this course Learn the basic necessities of Linux to use UNIL HPC clusters in a command-line interface mode. Target audience Any PhD students, post-docs, researchers of UNIL and CHUV who need to use UNIL HPC clusters but who are not familiar wi...
Research - Introduction to reproducible research using version control
Objectives of this course We explain the basics of version control using git and show how it can help both individual and collaborative research. Target audience Any PhD students, post-docs, researchers of UNIL and CHUV who have to deal with code developm...
SSH connection to DCSR cluster
This page presents how to connect to DCSR cluster depending on your operating system. Linux SSH is always installed by most commons Linux distributions, so no extra package should be installed. Connection with a password To connect using a password, just r...
R on the clusters (old)
R is provided via the DCSR software stack Interactive mode To load R: module load r R # Then you can use R interactively > ... Batch mode While using R in batch mode, you have to use Rscript to launch your script. Here is an example of sbatch script, r...
Software local installation
This page gives an example of a local installation of a software, i.e. a software that will be only available to yourself. For simplicity we assume here that the software you want to install is available as a single binary file. To be executed from anywhere t...
Running Busco
A Singularity container is available for version 4.0.6 of Busco. To run it, you need to proceed as follows: $ module load singularityce $ export SINGULARITY_BINDPATH="/scratch,/users,/work" Some configuration files included in the container must be copied i...
Data management
Topic Data transfer between a laptop, a virtual machine, or a lab server and the DCSR NAS The DCSR NAS, or the "Network Attached Storage of the Scientific Computing and Research Support Unit", is one of the several NAS solutions available at UNIL. The DCSR N...
Access NAS DCSR from the cluster
The NAS is available from the login node only under /nas. The folder hierarchy is: /nas/FAC/<your_faculty>/<your_department>/<your_PI>/<your_project> Cluster -> NAS To copy a file to the new NAS: cp /path/to/file /nas/FAC/<your_faculty>/<your_department>/<...
Sensitive data on DCSR NAS
Since november 2023, new research projects should store their data using Tresorit. Please see the detailed documentation : Current user of the NAS DCSR RECHERCHE-S/Boxcryp...
Give access to DCSR NAS files to an external collaborator
There are two administrative steps: The external collaborator must ask a UNIL account using this online form (go to "Obtenir un compte informatique personnel"). Warning: in the online form, the external collaborator have to write the name/email of the PI who ...
Jura is a cluster for the analysis of sensitive data and is primarily used by the CHUV. The Jura cluster is replaced by Urblauna Computing ressources 10 compute nodes cpt01: CPUs=40 Boards=1 SocketsPerBoard=4 CoresPerSocket=10 ThreadsPerCore=1 RealMemory=...
High Performance Computing
The DCSR team is able to help you regarding high performance computing topics including: using DCSR clusters when you're not able to perform your research and run computations on your local computer. harnessing the DCSR clusters (CPU and GPU) scaling your c...
Machine Learning
Machine learning methods are nowadays used in a wide variety of scientific domains. For example, - Unsupervised machine learning methods may be used as tools for data exploration and visualisation (dimension reduction and clustering), - Supervised machine le...
First of all, if you plan to use CryoSPARC on the cluster, please contact us to get a port number (you will understand later why it's important). CryoSPARC can be used on Curnagl and take benefit from Nvidia A100 GPUs. This page presents the installation in t...
Best Practices for Software Development
In progress
Database support for humanities
The DCSR provides support to researchers in the humanities for projects based on structured corpora (databases, digital libraries or collections, etc.). The DCSR carries out a technological watch to provide researchers and research groups in the humanities wi...
Moving data between different projects
At some point, you might have to move data from one project to another one for various reasons. On NAS DCSR, such move is not possible by default because of a technical limitation. So depending on the volume of data to move, there are 2 options. But before go...
Research - Introduction to parallel computing with Python, Julia, and R
Objectives Learn the basis of parallel computing Learn how Python and Julia can benefit from HPC infrastructures using various capabilities of both languages. Target audience Any PhD students, post-docs, researchers of UNIL and CHUV who develop some codes ...