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Access to class material

Students can access all class documents filed by the teacher if they use MyUNIL for the management of class materials.

Access to course documents from the “Courses” application

Access from course list


  1. Select class on the list on the left
  2. The documents will appear in the “Documents” section to the right of the interface

Search for course documents


By selecting the “Course Documents” tab, students have access to a search in class documents

  1. Search term
  2. Access to advanced search
  3. Result of the research. Access to the class space by clicking on the detail icon
  4. Possibility of research in these classes or in the classesof the whole faculty

Accessing class documents from the “Calendar” application


  1. Click on a course to view details


  1. Access class documents from the link. The user is redirected to the “Classes” application and the file space is automatically displayed
