Pages mises à jour récemment
Curnagl - 2022
Following the migration to the CCT datacenter there are a number of things that have changed that...
Après la livraison du prototype, vous devez en premier lieu vous rendre dans la partie configurat...
Due to budgetary constraints, we have not been able to ensure that the technical terms match thos...
Comment vérifier le quota de sa boîte aux lettres ? C'est possible, mais seulement via Outlook O...
Bienvenue dans MyUNIL 3.0
Qu’est-ce que MyUNIL? MyUNIL est un bureau virtuel, adaptatif, donc dynamique, personnalisé, pro...
Dask on curnagl
In order to use Dask in Curnagl you have to use the following packages: dask dask-jobqueue Not...
JupyterLab on the curnagl cluster
JupyterLab can be run on the curnagl cluster for testing purposes, only as an intermediate step i...
Run OpenFOAM codes on Curnagl
Script to run OpenFOAM code You are using OpenFOAM on your computer and you need more ressources...
JupyterLab with C++ on the curnagl cluster
JupyterLab can be run on the curnagl cluster for testing purposes, only as an intermediate step i...
Transfer files to/from Curnagl
How do I transfer my code to Curnagl? How do I get my results back on my computer? There are ...
Urblauna Guacamole / RDP issues
Resolving connnection problems There can sometimes be communication issues between the web based ...
Sandbox containers
Container basics For how to use Singularity/Apptainer containers please see our course at: htt...
Kesako? Urblauna (Romanche), or Lagopède Alpin in French, is a bird known for its changing plumag...
First of all, if you plan to use CryoSPARC on the cluster, please contact us to get a port number...
Filetransfer from the cluster is a service provided by the DCSR to...
SWITCHfilesender from the cluster
Switch Filesender Filesender is a service provided by SWITCH to transfer files over http. Normal...
Informations pour l'utilisateur d'une liste Quelles sont les listes à disposition? Sur SYMPA, l...
Providing access to external collaborators
In order to allow non UNIL collaborators to use the HPC clusters there are three steps which are ...
Ordinateurs pour le télétravail (Employé-e-s)
Ordinateurs pour le télétravail L’UNIL privilégie dans la mesure du possible un équipement et de...
DCSR GitLab service
What is it? The DCSR hosted version control service ( is primarily i...