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Things to know once you are in the classroom

Once you enter one of the rooms equipped with a course recording system, you don't have to do anything special and you can teach as usual. The material which you display on the screen from the document camera, from your computer or from the openboard will be picked up.


However, it is essential that you use the microphones available in the classroom since the sound is captured by the classroom's sound diffusion system. The rooms are not equipped with "ambient" microphones.

You can access the microphones from the cabinets that can be opened with a 14.0 key (more information here:


The camera in your room is equipped with a tracking system that is automatically calibrated to your face. If the tracking does not follow you, return to the lectern and face the audience and the tracking should resume normally.

Technical support

If a technical problem occurs in the room, you can contact our support on +41 21 692 63 18.